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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Species Counterpoint (part 7 – Fifth Species)

        Fifth species counterpoint is a style of polyphonic writing that consists of any combination of the first four species.  Beside remembering and applying the past rules, the main concern is to compose a well formed melodic line that is singable (since counterpoint was originally an art of composing vocal music).  Due to this combined nature of fifth species, the primary method for studying the rules of this species is to study the rules of the first four species (which we have already done).  After this, the only other effective method for studying fifth species counterpoint is to practice composing it.

There are a few other considerations to consider before composing fifth species counterpoint.  One consideration is the fact that ties across the bar are a desirable element to include at times, since the resulting suspensions and oblique motion add beauty to the harmony.  Another is the fact that most composers avoid having two quarter notes followed by a half note in a measure of counter point.  The rhythmic flow of this phrase is considered to jarring (move then stop).  More desirable options are to have four quarter notes, or two quarter notes followed by a half note that is tied to the downbeat of the next measure.

This Learning Music With Ray video discusses the topic of fifth species counterpoint.  In this video I discuss the rules that govern composing a work of fifth species counterpoint.  I also provide some helpful tips that will make your experience composing fifth species counterpoint easier.  Finally, I compose a line of fifth species counter point both above and below a cantus firmus in order to provide a live demonstration of the principles discussed in the video.      

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